About me
Member of the Board of Directors of the International Union of Real Estate ICREA, representative of the Arab countries and President of the Arab Union of Real Estate AURD
- He obtained a diploma in international negotiations, Cairo University.
- And Master of Islamic Economics and Researcher Doctorate of Islamic Economics, Istanbul Leader Turkish University.
- 1979 Elected President of the Students' Union of the Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University.
President of the Turkish Motaman Company, MOTAMAN ŞİRKETİ.
And the founder of the Turkish Businessmen Association MUSIAD since 1996.
Chairman of the Arab Center for Economic Studies 2011.
Chairman of the Turkish Motaman Association for Economic Planning
Chairman of the Egyptian Emaar Company 1988.
Participated in the development of 3000 housing units Owned and implemented the following projects:
** Carthage Tourist Village 653 villas and chalets
** Muharram Pasha Neighborhood: 1800 housing units.
** Construction of four real estate projects in Istanbul, Motaman 1, 2, 3 and 4.
INTERBUILD 1993 Annual Exhibition and International Conference.
- Medical equipment development project for medical facilities 1986-1996 in partnership with Egyptian banks.
- Small Industries Development Project for Engineers 1991.
** Egyptian Export Promotion Project to Libya 1990-1992 in partnership with Bank Al-Muhandis.
Project for financing the purchases of workers in the government and the public sector in conjunction with the Central Bank of Egypt 2003 (1.4 billion).
Project for developing spinning and weaving factories in partnership with the Federation of Egyptian Industries 2004.
- Leather Industries Development Project in association with the Federation of Industries 2005.
Investment map drawing project for the Turkish state 2019.
The project to solve the Turkish lira crisis was presented to President Erdogan August 18, 2018.
He combined medicine study at the University of Alexandria, politics and economics at Cairo University as he studied management and planning.
He was elected a member of the Medical Council of Alexandria 1986 to 1994.
The Secretariat of the Health Planning Committee of the General Union of Physicians 1988 undertook a project to raise the health budget to the 1989 People’s Assembly.
He was chosen as a member of the Advisory Council of Sporting Club 1989.
He was elected Secretary-General of the International Federation of Medical Organizations 1994.
Founded the Arab Federation of Exhibitions and International Conferences AUIEC 1995.
He was elected a member of the board of directors of the International Business Forum IBF in Istanbul 1996.
I was elected Secretary General of the Arab African Business Association 1999.
I was elected vice president of the Arab Association for Arts, Culture and Information 1999.
Elected a representative of Egypt at the International Federation of Exhibitions UFI in Paris 2002.
Elected as a rapporteur of the Trade Committee of the Council of Arab Economic Unity 2003.
2009 Elected a representative of the Arab countries in the International Federation of Real Estate FIABCI.
He established the mechanism of the Arab partnership in the Council of Economic Unity in the League of Arab States 2011.
He participated in 86 international conferences in 26 countries as president of the conference or a keynote speaker of his books:
** Book «Opportunities available in the global financial crisis» 2009.
** «Secrets of the success of the Turkish experience» 2010.
** Development diplomacy 2005.
** Companies between Sharia and Law 2017.
** Divan of Poetry: «Playing Rain».